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Aechmenthera tomentosa Nees.

Family : Acanthaceae

Vernacular : Sarfni

Characters :

Erect or diffuse, shrub like perennial, up to 1.8 m tall, hairy or with the older stems and undersurface of young leaves densely felted with white wooly tomentum. Leaves rugose, ovate, elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, 6-24 x 2-12 cm, from a variable, generally unequal base, mostly acuminate. Flowers white with bluish veins, in few flowered, somewhat sticky clusters, sessile on axillary and terminal panicles; capsule 6-8 seeded.

Flowering : September-October

Fruiting : November-December



Argemone maxicana L.

Family : Papaveraceae

Vernacular : Kandiara, Satyanasi

Characters :

Erect, prickly, 60-120 cm tall, bluish-green annual with yellow juice. Leaves amplexicaul, sinuate-pinnatifid, variegated, 8-20 x 12-14 cm in diameter; sepals 2-3, horned at apex. Capsule ellipsoid, 2-4 cm long, prickly. Seeds blackish, 2mm in diameter, deeply pitted.

Flowering : February-May

Fruiting : March-June

Uses :

Given in dysentery and intestinal infections. Considered as remedy for skin diseases.



Campanula benthamii Wall.

Family : Campanulaceae

Vernacular : Gurghanti, Nalghantu

Characters :

Hairy, 15-60 cm tall annual, simple or with several erect stems from base. Leaves linear oblong or lanceolate, 1.5-5 x 0.25-1.2 cm, crenate-serrate to entire, radical and lower cauline often spathulate, up to 7 x 2 cm. Flowers in panicles or clusters, normal ones 0.7-1 cm long with greyish to bluish-purple to white corolla, the cleistogamic much smaller and apetalous, capsule obconic, dehiscing by valves at base.

Flowering : March-May

Fruiting : April-June



Cassia occidentalis L.

Family : Caesalpiniaceae

Vernacular : Haedema, Baddi Alman

Characters :

Erect, 0.6-1.5 m tall herb or under shrub. Leaflets 3-5 pairs, thin, ovate to oblong lanceolate, 2.5-9 x 1.5-4.5 cm, paler beneath. Flowers 1.5-3 cm diameter, mostly in axillary and terminal racemes; bracts conspicuous, white, tinged with purple. Pod 9.5-12.5 x 0.6-0.8 cm often curved, 20-30 seeded; seeds compressed, brownish.

Flowering : June-September

Fruiting : November-December

Uses :

Roots used in skin diseases, leaves and fruits are anthelmintic. Seeds used in diabetes.



Centella asiatica Urban

Family : Apiaceae

Vernacular : Brahmi, Ghor-sumbi

Characters :

Slender herb, often forming dense mats along moist canal banks and wet borders of fields. Leaves rather thick, 1.5-5.8 cm across. Umbels 3-6 flowered, clustered at nodes. Fruit laterally compressed, 2.5-3.5 mm across; pericarp thickened.

Flowering :March-August

Fruiting : April-October

Uses :

Entire plant given in leprosy. Plant also considered useful in epilepsy and as a tonic for brain. It has been reported to improve the power of speech and  poetic imagination.



Corchorus tridens

Family : Tiliaceae

Vernacular : Chukkri

Characters :

Erect, pubescent, low annual, hardly 25 cm high; branches few, spreading or ascending. Leaves linear-oblong or lanceolate, 4-7 x 0.4-1.5 cm ,crenate-serrate, with a pair of filiform tails; petioles 3-8 mm long. Flowers small, yellow, 1-3 on leaf-opposed peduncles. Seeds black.

Flowering : August-October

Fruiting : September-November



Crotalaria medicaginea Lamk.

Family : Fabaceae

Vernacular : Gulabi Sann

Characters :

Diffuse, low growing, adpressedly silky perennial herb; stems 8-25 cm long, many from a branched root stock. Leaflets obvate oblanceolate, 0.5-2 x 0.2-1 cm, glabrous above, silky beneath. Flowers yellow, streaked with red, 8 mm long, on 6-12 flowered racemes. Pod 4-5 mm long, thinly adpressed, silky.

Flowering : March-April / July-September

Fruiting : March-April / July-September



Dicliptera bupleuroides Nees

Family : Acanthaceae

Vernacular : Kalu Gha, Chuddu Muddu

Characters :

Diffuse, pubescent herb; stems up to 60 cm long, tufted or straggling; internodes long, ovate or elliptic, mostly 4-8 x 1.5-4 cm, in long petiole. Flowers pink, spotted with purple, crowded in bracteate clusters at the ends.

Flowering : Throughout

Fruiting : Throughout



Duchesnea indica Focke.

Family :Rosaceae

Vernacular : Pannakhe

Characters :

Low, stoloniferous herb, clothed with spreading hairs. Leaves tri-foliate chiefly radical, cauline few; petiole 2-15 cm long. Leaf lets sericeous, 1.2-3 x 1-2.5 cm, coarsely toothed. Flowers yellow, 1.5 cm in diameter on long, slender peduncles. Achenes minute; receptacle red.

Flowering : January-February

Fruiting : February-March



Eremostachys superba Royle

Family : Labiatae

Vernacular : Gajar Moola

Characters :

Un branched, stout herb, 0.6-1.1 m tall; leaves chiefly radical, pinnately lobed and divided, 12-20 cm long. Very variable to the degree of wooliness of spike and calyces but recognized easliy by large whorls of very showy flowers with erect, hooded upper lip densely white villous within. Calyx lobes nearly obsolete, stiffy apiculate. Nutlets densely bearded at the truncate top.

Flowering : March-April

Fruiting : April-May



Euphorbia hirta L.

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Vernacular : Suhi Dudhli, JarDudhli

Characters :

Erect or ascending , 15-50 cm high annual, not infrequently prostrate and tufted when growing in dry, rocky situations, leaves in equilateral, elliptic or ovate oblong, 1.2-4.5 x 0.6-2 cm, whitish beneath, with the upper surface purple blotched along midrib or wholly copper coloured. Involucres crowded in ultimately pedunculate, capitate cymes, terminal and from alternate axils; glands 4, seeds reddish, 3 gonous, faintly transversally wrinkled.

Flowering : All the year

Fruiting : All the year

Uses :

Plant used to treat colic troubles, dysentery, cough, asthma, worms and vomiting. It has vermifuge properties.



Evolvulus alsinoides L.

Family : Covolvulaceae

Vernacular : Neeli Shankhpushpi

Characters :

Softly thin hairy to densely grey-villous herb, diffuse or nearly prostrate and tufted, with much branched, wiry stems 6-25 cm but sometimes up to 70 cm long, from a perennial rootstock. Leaves ovate, elliptic or lanceolate-oblong, 0.6-2.5 x 0.3-1.2 cm, sometimes larger and shortly petiolate. Flowers blue, 0.6-1 cm diameter or in larger forms a little less than twice as much, 1-3 on spreading peduncles; pedicles deflexed. Seeds 4, dark brown.

Flowering : March-April

Fruiting : April-June



Incarvillea emodi Chatterji

Family : Bignoniaceae

Vernacular : Lal Kour

Characters :

Erect, 25-30 cm high herb with woody base and 8-18 cm long, pinnately 7-11 foliate leaves; leaflets thick, ovate or elliptic, 1-3.5 x 0.7-2 cm, toothed. Flowers deep pink with yellow-tinged corolla tube, 3.5-5 cm long. Capsule terete, about 11 cm long. Seeds tuburculate, 2.4 cm long, including the laciniated, hyaline wing on either side.

Flowering : March-May

Fruiting : April-June



Lathyrus sativus L.

Family : Fabaceae

Vernacular : Khesri

Characters :

Much branched, climbing or trailing annual; stems up to 60 cm long. Leaves ending in a branched, sometimes simple tendril; leaf lets lanceolate or linear, 2-7 x 0.3-1.5 cm. Flowers solitary, 1-2 cm long; pod 2.5-4.5 cm long, 3-5 seeded; seeds compressed, yellowish-brown.

Flowering : January-April

Fruiting : January-May



Launaea procumbens Ram. & Raj

Family : Asteraceae

Vernacular : Phul-Dudli

Characters :

Glabrous, perennial herb; stems tufted. 15-75 cm ling, spreading or decumbent. Leaves chiefly  radical, rather thick, often purplish with age, spreading, oblong to obovate-oblong, white, spinulose teeth. Head yellow, 1.5-2.5 cm diameter, more or less raceomse, often clustered. Achenes pale, columnar or curved and compressed, thick-ribbed.

Flowering : December-May

Fruiting : January-July



Leucas capitata Desf.

Family : Labiatae

Vernacular : Bhidoo

Characters :

Erect, stout annual, 25-60 cm tall, clothed with spreading, coarse hairs; stems obtusely, 4 angled and grooved. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate 5-10 x 1.5-3.5 cm, distantly toothed. Flowers white; dense, many flowered, globose, 2.5-5 cm diameter, terminal or with one from the upper axil as well. Calyx 1.2-1.8 cm long; mouth villous within. Nutlets brown, 3.5-4 cm long.

Flowering : July-August

Fruiting : August-October



Lindenbergia indica Vatke

Family : Scrophulariaceae

Vernacular : Soddar

Characters :

Glandular villous to nearly glabrous, 15-30 cm high, erect or more often tufted, leafy annual, usually hanging or growing straight from the crevices in walls. Leaves glandular-villous, up to 8-5.5 cm, crenate serrate. Flowers yellow with the corolla tube flushed with reddish.

Flowering : September-March

Fruiting : September-March



Malvastrum coromandelianum L.

Family : Malvaceae

Vernacular : Baddi Barear

Characters :

Erect or sub erect, usually gregarious herb; branches 30-60 cm long, strigose. Leaves coarsely toothed, 2.5-9.5 x 1.5-5.5 cm, straight nerved. Flowers yellow. 1.5-2 cm in diameter, axillary or terminal. Fruit 6 mm in diameter; carpels 8-12, with a straight beak and 2 dorsal hooked points, 1 seeded; seeds dark brown.

Flowering : Throughout the year

Fruiting : Nearly all the year



Mazus japonicus Kuntze

Family : Scrophulariaceae

Vernacular :

Characters :

Rosulate annual, forming dense, hairy tufts, 10-20 cm in diameter on swampy or wet sandy stream banks, more slender and sometimes nearly glabrous in lawns and pastures. Leaves mainly radical, obovate or obovate-spathulate, irregularly crenate or toothed, 1.5-8 x 0.8-1.5 cm. Flowers white or with shades of blue or violet mixed with yellowish, 0.8-1.5 cm long. Calyx accrescent and star like in fruit.

Flowering : November-January

Fruiting : January-May



Mentha longifolia Huds.

Family : Labiateae

Vernacular : Jungli Pootna

Characters :

Strongly somatic, hoary tomentose or pubescent herb, 0.6-1 m tall, with densely grey or white tomentose under surface of leaves. Leaves oblong or ovate lanceolate, 2.5-6 x 1-2 cm. Flowers white tinged with light-purple, in dense whorls forming 5-15 cm long, slender, terminal and axillary, interrupted spikes.

Flowering : June-July

Fruiting : July-August



Oxalis corniculata L.

Family : Oxalidaceae

Vernacular : Khati, nikki Ammi

Characters :

Diffuse, pubescent, creeping or ascending herb; branches slender, 10-66 cm long or more, rooting at nodes. Leaves tri-foliate on 2-5 cm long petioles; leaflets 1-2.5 cm wide. Flowers 1-1.5 cm in diameter, sub umbellate on axillary peduncles. Capsule cylindric, tomentose, 1.5 cm long; seeds minute, brown, transversally rugose.

Flowering : November-June

Fruiting : December-August



Physalis minima L.

Family : Solanaceae

Vernacular : Patakka

Characters :

Erect or diffuse, 30-50 cm high, puberulous annual. Leaves thin, ovate, entire or irregularly toothed or sinuate, 3-8 x 2-5.5 cm. Flowers yellow, rarely spotted with brown at the base with I, solitary, deflexed. Ripe berry greenish-yellow, 0.8-1.2 cm diameter, imprisoned within 1.6-2.5 cm long calyx.

Flowering : July-August

Fruiting : August-October



Plantago lanceolata L.

Family : Plantaginaceae

Vernacular : Gobba, Bhumman-Gha

Characters :

greyish green, densely silky to nearly glabrous herb with erect to almost spreading, rather thin, lanceolate-acuminate leaves, blade 6-30 x 17 cm long petiole. Flowers in ovoid or cylindric, 1.5-7 x 0.7-1 cm, spikes on usually on leaf extending (15-50 cm long), numerous deeply furrowed scapes; stamens long-exerted. Capsule 2-4 seeded; seeds dark brown to black.

Flowering : March-April

Fruiting : April-May



Polygonum hydropiper L.

Family : Polygonaceae

Vernacular :  Jal-Marchi

Characters :

Rather slender, 30-75  cm high, glabrous annual; stems usually flushed with red, rooting under water and in mud. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, 3-7 x 0.5-1.2 cm, ciliate-margined, scabrid. Racemes flexuous, often drooping. Nutlets black or amber, granulate.

Flowering : August-October

Fruiting : August-November



Ranunculus muricatus L.

Family : Ranunculaceae

Vernacular : Churmula, Til-phari, Kor-khand

Characters :

Glabrous or sparingly hairy annual, 15-75 cm tall. Lower leaves long petioled, 3-11 cm across; segments irregularly toothed at the top; upper leaves shortly stalked. Flowers 1-1.5 cm in diameter; sepals glabrous or pubescent, slightly shorter than petals. Achenes obscurely or distinctly tuburculate or spinous, intramarginally thickened.

Flowering : February-April

Fruiting : February-May



Reinwardtia indica Dummort.

Family : Linaceae

Vernacular : Basant-phull

Characters :

Glabrous; stems sometimes decumbent and rooting at nodes. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate or oblanceolate, 1.5-6 x 0.7-2.5 cm, mucronate, pale beneath. Flowers yellow; styles normally 3, sometimes up to 9, variable in length. Capsule globose, 8 mm in diameter, stripped alternately with green and white.

Flowering : February-April

Fruiting : April-May



Senecio nudicaulis Buch.-Ham.

Family :Asteraceae

Vernacular : Sinreri

Characters :

Erect, 30-70 cm tall herb, glabrous or towards base cottony. Leaves cottony-tomentose beneath, radical and lower cauline obvate to obovate-oblong or spathulate, 7-26.5 x 2-8 cm, white or purple beneath, coarsely crenate to shallowly lobed; upper cauline leaves sessile, linear-oblong or spathulate, 2.5-16 x 0.5-5.5 cm. Heads yellow., 1.6-2 cm. Achenes pale-brown, hispid, ribbed.

Flowering : March-April

Fruiting : April-May



Silene conoidea L.

Family : Caryophyllaceae

Vernacular : Takla, Lolroo-Folroo, Trakla

Characters :

Erect ascending, 0.3-1.05 m tall, glandular viscid annual of wheat fields. Leaves connate at base, 4-14.5 x 0.4-1.8 cm, lower spathulate, upper oblong to lanceolate. Flowers pink, 2 cm in diameter in terminal panicles. Calyx tubular, inflated, 2-2.5 cm long, striate, conic ovoid in fruit. Claw of the petals auricled; limb with a pair of scales at base. Capsules contracted upwards, crustaceous; seeds reniform, brown, tubercled.

Flowering : February-April

Fruiting : February-May



Solanum nigrum L.

Family : Solanaceae

Vernacular : Kayan Kothi, Kankni

Characters :

Nearly glabrous, 30-60 cm high, erect or diffuse annual. Leaves dark green, ovate or ovate-oblong, 3-12 x 1.8-7 cm, entire to sinuate-toothed or lobed. Flowers white, 0.6 to about 1 cm diameter on drooping pedicles in sub-umbellate, extra axillary cymes. Berry 5-6 mm diameter.

Flowering : Most of the year

Fruiting : Throughout the year



Sonchus asper Garsault

Family : Asteraceae

Vernacular : Dudhal

Characters :

Erect annual, 0.4-1 m tall; stem angled, hollow fleshy, green or flushed with purple. Leaves sub-coriaceous, ovate-lanceolate to obvate-oblong or pinnatifid,up to 36 x 9 cm, dark green above, glaucous beneath. Heads bright yellow, 2.5-3.5 cm diameter, like the young peduncles white-floccose below. Achenes ribbed, transversely rugose.

Flowering : January-March

Fruiting : February-May



Trichodesma indicum R.Br.

Family : Boraginaceae

Vernacular : Dhouli, Ratpattru

Characters :

Diffuse, greyish green herb, densely hispid with stiff, spreading hairs mixed with short pubescence. Leaves oblong elliptic or lanceolate, mostly 2.5-7 x 0.6-2.3 cm; base cordate or semiplexicaul. Flowers white or shades of blue and pink, characteristics by 5 large, brown, crescent shaped spots on corolla throat. Nutlets white or bluish grey, 4-5 mm long, rugose.

Flowering : March-September

Fruiting : April-October



Tridex procumbens L.

Family : Asteraceae

Vernacular : Kumra

Characters :

Procumbent,straggling perennial herb; stems weak, hairy, up to 90 cm long. Leaves in distant pairs, 2.5-8 x 1.2-5.5 cm, deeply and coarsely dentate, hairy. Heads 1.4-1.6 cm diameter, solitary on erect, 7-25 cm or longer peduncles; receptacle paleaceous. Ray florets creamy white or yellow; disk florets pale white. Achenes oblong, brown, silky, 2 mm long.

Flowering : All the year around

Fruiting : All the year around



Tulipa stellata Hook.f.

Family : Liliaceae

Vernacular : Maghey, Manghuna, Kayanlu

Characters :

glabrous herb, 20-40 cm tall, with few, linear, glaucous, rather thick, channeled leaves 8-30 x 0.2-1 cm, from below the middle of erect, scape like stem; bulb scales densely wooly within. Flowers showy, 2.5-6 cm long, campanulate, white with the outer perianth-lobes flushed with pink or purplish red without. Capsule oblong, 2.5 x 1.3 cm.

Flowering : February-March

Fruiting : March-April



Typha elephantia Roxb.

Family : Typhaceae

Vernacular : Dibb, Aera

Characters :

Gregarious, 1-2.5 m tall, robust herb of marshes, swamps and generally still waters. Leaves linear, erect, 0.6-1.2 cm broad, spongy. Flowers small, crowded in 2-3 terete, rod like unisexual spikes generally 12-20 x 0.5-2.3 cm and separated by intervals. Upper spikes male, slender and paler, the lower ones female and pale brown.

Flowering : September-June



Vicia hirsuta Gray.

Family : Fabaceae

Vernacular :  Munmuna

Characters :

Sparingly pubescent, slender climbing annual; stems profuse, up to 1 m long or so. Leaves 2-7 cm long; leaf lets 4-10 pairs, linear-oblong, 0.5-2 cm long. Flowers 3-5 to a peduncle. Pod turgid, 0.8-1 cm long, oblong rhomboid; seeds brownish, mottled.

Flowering : December-April

Fruiting : January-May



Vicoa vestita Benth.

Family : Asteraceae

Vernacular : Jatari

Characters :

Rigid, usually much-branched, 25-85 cm tall annual; stems purplish red. Leaves villous, lanceolate or oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 2.5-9 x 0.8-2.5 cm, auricled, serrate or irregularly toothed to sub-entire. Heads yellow, 1.8-2.2 cm in diameter, involucral bracts squarrose, scarious-margined. Achenes oblong, thinly pubescent.

Flowering : March-May

Fruiting : April-June



Withania somnifera Dunal

Family : Solanaceae

Vernacular : Asgandh

Characters :

Erect, evergreen, shrubby perennial, usually up to 1 m high; branches finely stellate-tomentose, often with hoary mealy extremities. Leaves ovate to ovate-oblong or lanceolate, 6-17 x 3-10 cm, rounded, obtuse or acute. Flowers greenish or yellowish, 0.6-1 cm long. Ripe berry red.

Flowering : January-September

Fruiting : February-October