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Caesalpinia decapetala Roth.

Family : Caesalpiniaceae

Vernacular : Daudhar, Relna, Arlu

Characters :

Extensive, scrambling shrub; branchlets and rachises rusty-pubescent. Leaves up to 30 cm long; pinnae 4-9 pairs, 2.5-8.5 cm long. Leaflets 5-10 pairs, oblong to oblong-obovate, 0.7-2.7 x 0.3-1.2 cm, glaucous beneath. Flowers yellow with the smaller petal streaked with red, 1.8-2.4 cm diameter, in terminal and axillary racemes. Pod flat, oblong, 6-8 x 2.4-7 cm long beaked, 4-8 seeded; seeds flat, mottled with brown and black.

Flowering : March-May

Fruiting : June-July 

Uses :

Decoction given in jaundice, leaves and roots used as purgative and emmonagauge. 



Cissampelos pareira L.

Family :Menispermaceae

Vernacular : Battal-bel, Katordoo, Batindoo, Pattaken-di-bel

Characters :

Twinning shrub with grey tomentose branches. Leaves sub orbicular or reniform to broad ovate or deltoid, 4-15 cm across, mucronate, ultimately glabrous above. Flowers minute, greenish-yellow; male in axillary, corymbose, branched cymes; female : raceomse, crowded in the axil of foliaceous, orbicular bracts. Drupe compressed, 3 x 4 mm, scarlet when ripe.

Flowering : April-August

Fruiting : September-November

Root regarded as carminative, antidote to poison, astringent, diuretic, expectronent, febrifuge, sedative and tonic. Useful in asthma, cold and cough, diarrhea and dysentery, fever, in digestion, piles and ulcers.



Clematis gouriana Roxb.

Family : Ranunculaceae

Vernacular : Total, Chamera, Jhol, Chibro

Characters :

Climbing shrub with stout, grooved, purple shoots. Leaves 1-2 pinnate, 12-28 cm long, often with petioles twisted round the supports; leaflets dark green, prominently nerved, ovate to ovate or oblong lanceolate. 3.5-10 x 1.5-5 cm, acuminate, toothed or entire; base rounded or cordate. Flowers greenish white, 1-1.5 cm in diameter in dense panicles. Anthers greenish-white. Achenes 4 mm ling, hairy.

Flowering : August-October

Fruiting : November-January



Convolvulus arvensis L.

Family :  Convolvulaceae

Vernacular :  Hiran Khuri, Hiran Padi

Characters :

Slender herb with several , 0.3-1 m long, twinning or trailing stems and oblong lanceolate or ovate leaves, 2.5-9 x 0.6-4.5 cm. Flowers pink with white center, 1.8-2.5 x 1.8-2.5 cm, solitary or 2-3 on long peduncles.

Flowering : February-March

Fruiting : March-June



Convolvulus microphyllus Sieb.

Family : Covolvulaceae

Vernacular : Pour Parang

Characters :

Prostrate, hoary or tawny herb; stems straight, 15-50 cm oblanceolate, 0.8-3 x up to o.5 cm, hairy, sessile or nearly so. Flowers white, funnel shaped, 1-1.8 cm in diameter, sessile or on short 1-3 flowered, axillary peduncles. Capsule pale brown, 3 mm diameter; seeds dark brown.

Flowering : February-March

Fruiting : March-June



Colebrookea oppositifolia Sm.

Family : Labiatae

Vernacular : Chiti Suhali

Characters :

Much branched, 1-2 m tall, hoary shrub; branchlets, inflorescence and undersurface of leaves grey white with woolly tomentum. Leaves soft,thick, elliptic-oblong, 10-28.5 x 3-12 cm, acuminate. Flowers minute, white, polygamous in dense whorls forming erect, panicled spikes; calyx teeth white-plumose, much elongate in fruit.

Flowering : January-April

Fruiting : March-May



Cryptolepis buchanani Roem & Sch.

Family : Asclepiadaceae,

Vernacular : Kali Terni

Characters :

Large, glabrous, twinning shrub with pale green shoots. Leaves leathery-coriaceous, elliptic or oblong ovate, 7-15 x 2.5-7 cm abruptly apiculate, pale glaucous to nearly white beneath. Flowers pale yellow, 1.2-2 cm diameter, in short axillary, paniculate cymes; corona of 5, thick, club shaped scales. Follicles rigid, 4-9 x 1.2-1.8 cm, divaricate.

Flowering : May-August

Fruiting : September-October



Dendrophthoe falcata Ettings

Family : Loranthaceae

Vernacular : Parookh

Characters :

woody, parasitic shrub with thickly coriaceous but brittle, dull or bright green, variously shaped leaves, generally 5-12 x 2.5-7 cm, with red midrib and faint lateral nerves. Flowers scarlet or orange, 3-5 cm long, in unilateral, 2.5-8 cm long, generally upturned racemes which are extra-axillary from leafless nodes.

Flowering : October-April

Fruiting : May-July



Dioscorea belophylla Voigt.

Family : Dioscoreaceae

Vernacular : Tardel, Tarar-bel

Characters :

Glabrous twinning herb, frequently bearing elongate, smooth, 2-5 cm ling, from a cordate, more often sagittate base. Male spikes 2-5 cm long, 1-3-nate and axillary or forming leaf less panicles. Female spike pendulous, 5-12 cm long, solitary or up to 3 from an axil. Capsule 1.8-3 cm wide, usually broader than long.

Flowering : August-October

Fruiting : September-October



Gloriosa superba L.               PHOENIX SYVESTRIS

Family : Liliaceae

Vernacular : Charkiara, Kukarsira, Sandhra

Characters :

Weak, 1-4 m long, leafy herb; root stock white, tuberous. Leaves lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 8-18 x 1.5-3.5 cm, alternate, opposite or pseudo-verticillate. Flowers nodding, greenish then yellow and finally blotched with red, 8-10 cm diameter, solitary, on stout axillary stalks; perianth-lobes linear, with margins, ultimately reflexed. Capsule oblong, 2.5-6 x 1-2 cm.

Flowering : August-October

Fruiting : August-November

Uses :

Tuber anthelmintic, laxative, abortifacient, useful in chronic ulcers, leprosy, inflammation, piles etc. leaf juice used to kill lice in hair.Root paste acts as antidote to snake bite, and root powder is given in rheumatic fevers.



Luffa acutangula Roxb.

Family : Cucurbitaceae

Vernacular : Jangli Kandoli

Characters :

Monoecious, rather extensive, climbing or spreading annual. Leaves scabrid, cordate, palmately 5-7 angled, 7-18 x 7-16.5 cm, remotely toothed. Flowers 2-5 cm diameter, males larger than the females. Fruit obovoid-oblong, 6-9 x 2.5-4 cm, 10 angled, bitter, seeds black.

Flowering : July-September

Fruiting : September-October

Uses :

Plant laxative and purgative, also applied in skin diseases and asthma.Dried fruit used as snuff in jaundice. Seeds emetic, expectronent and demulcent



Mucuna pruriens L.

Family : Fabaceae

Vernacular : Jajooli

Characters :

Large twinning annual; branchlets, petioles and leaves adpressedly pubescent. Leaflets membranous, 5-11 x 4-7.5 cm, cuspidate, terminal rhomboid-ovate, laterals oblique. Flowers dark purple, 3-3.5 cm long. Pods thick, nearly terete, 7-13 cm long ribbed  and S –shaped on drying, clothed with rusty, irritating bristles; seeds 5-6 mottled.

Flowering : August-October

Fruiting : November-December

Uses :

Roots tonic, stimulant, diuretic, purgative and emmenagogue. Ointment from roots applied on elephantiasis. Seeds astringent and tonic, leaves applied to ulcers.



Merremia dissecta Hallier f.

Family : Covolvulaceae

Vernacular : Neel-bel

Characters :

Herbaceous twiner, clothed with spreading, brownish-yellow hairs. Leaves up to 15 cm in diameter, 5-7 palmatisect in to lanceolate lobes. Flowers white with rose purple throat, about 3.5-4 x 3.5-4 cm; sepals scarious margined. Capsule globose, about 1.5 cm diameter.

Flowering : April-August

Fruiting : May-September


Pergularia extensa Jacq.

Family : Asclepiadaceae

Vernacular : Utaraan, Taretu

Characters :  

Slender, twinning or climbing, foetid shrub; stems hispidly, hairy, spreading in absence of any support. Leaves broadly ovate or sub orbicular, cordate, 3.5-13.5 x 2.5-11.5 cm, acuminate. Flowers yellowish green or greenish or greenish-white, 1.5-1.8 cm diameter in drooping, usually corymbiform cymes. Follicles reflexed, 5.8 x 1.5 cm.

Flowering : April-October

Fruiting : September-October



Phanera vahlii Benth.

Family : Caesalpiniaceae

Vernacular : Baloongri, Baloongar

Characters :

Huge climber; branchlets, tendrils, petioles and inflorescence rusty or grey tomentose. Leaves sub-orbicular, broader than long, usually up to 30 cm across. Flowers white, turning to yellow, 3-4 cm diameter in terminal corymbs or corymbose racemes. Pods woody, 15-30 x 5-7 cm, rusty velvety.

Flowering : April-June

Fruiting :October-December



Porana paniculata Roxb.

Family : Convolvulaceae

Vernacular : Dhurel, Chitti-bel

Characters :

Twinning shrub, climbing and spreading on trees and other shrubs or hanging down from rocky cliffs; shoots, inflorescence, young leaves and underside of mature ones softly grey tomentose. Leaves ovate-cordate,6-15 x 4-12 cm or even more, much smaller on the inflorescence. Easy to make out from   great profusion of its large, drooping, lax panicles of innumerable, 5-8 mm long, funnel like, white flowers. Capsule 1 seeded, indehiscent.

Flowering : October-January

Fruiting : December-January



Tinospora cordifolia Willd.

Family : Menispermaceae

Vernacular : Gloe, Groe, Galol

Characters :

Glabrous climbing shrub; stems corky, leaves 5-15 cm across, sometimes up to 28 x 24 cm, broadly ovate-cordate, acute or acuminate, occasionally orbicular-obtuse. Flowers yellow, in slender racemes or raceomse panicles; male: up to 1.5 cm diameter fascicled; female: usually solitary and smaller with 6, clevate staminodes. Drupe ovoid, 8 mm long, red on ripening.

Flowering : July-September

Fruiting : July-October



Vallaris solanacea Roth.

Family : Apocynaceae

Vernacular : Dudbel

Characters :

Twinning, nearly glabrous, lactiferous shrub with tough, grey branches. Leaves elliptic-oblong, 5-12 x 1.5-5 cm; margins undulate. Flowers white, 1.5-2.5 cm diameter, fragrant, in lax, axillary, drooping cymes. Fruit pendulous, 10-12 x 2.5-3 cm, tapering from a rounded base; seeds light brown, warted, 0.8-1.2 cm long, beaked, terminally comose with 3 cm long, white, silky hairs.

Flowering : April-August

Fruiting : September-October