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Acacia catechu Willd.

Family : Mimosaceae

Vernacular: Khair

Characters :

Tree, attaining 10-12 m; prickles 3-7 mm long, dark-brown or blackish; young shoots purplish, grey-downy.Rachis 6-16 cm long, with a gland between each of the several upper pinnae pairs and a large one about or below the lowest pair. Leaflets linear, 3-4 mm long, ciliate. Spikes creamy white, 2.5-8 x 1 cm. Pods flat, 2.2 x 1-1.5 cm, dark-brown shining.

Flowering : May-August

Fruiting : August- January

Uses :

Katha’ obtained from the heart wood used as an important ingredient of  ‘Paan’. Also employed as useful raw material in ply wood industry. Plant parts are used in sore throat, chest pain, colic pains, bronchial asthma and strangulation of intestine.



Acacia modesta Wall

Family : Mimosaceae

Vernacular : Phulai

Characters :

Small or medium tree, often much stunted when growing in ‘khuds’; branchlets green, glabrous , transversally white-lenticellate; prickles 3-8 mm long, dark brown. Rachis 1-5 cm long with a gland on petiole and sometimes one between uppermost pinna pair. Leaflets glaucous, obovate or broadly oblong, 3-9 x 2-6 mm. Spikes white, fragrant, 2-5 x 1 cm, drooping. Pods flat, oblong, 5-10.5 x 1-1.4 cm, glossy.

Flowering : March-April-July

Fruiting : August-October.



Acacia gageana Craib.

Family : Mimosaceae

Vernacular: Kikri ?

Characters :

Prickly; shoots, rachises and panicles rusty-pubescent. Leaves dark- green and shining above, pale beneath; rachis 10-26 cm long, with pubescent gland near the base. Pinnae 7-15 pairs, 2.5-11 cm long with a gland between upper 1-3 pairs. Leaflets obliquely oblong, 14-42 pairs, forward directed. Heads creamy white, 1-1.2 cm diameter, globose, pods ligulate, 10-15 x 2.25 cm brown.

Flowering : August – September

Fruiting : December-April.



Acacia nilotica (L) Del. ssp indica (Benth)

Family : Mimosaceae

Vernacular : Kikar


 Small and medium tree; bark dark brown or almost black: spines white, up to 6 cm long, sometimes obsolete. Rachis downy, often with one or more sessile glands. Pinnae 2-7 pairs, 1.2-3 cm long including petiole; leaflets linear-oblong, 10-20 pairs, 3-6 mm long. Heads yellow, 0.9-1.2 cm diameter, clustered. Pods 8-19 x1-1.5 cm, grey tomentose, 8-13 seeded.

Flowering : July-December

Fruiting: Cold season

Uses :

Cures skin diseases, asthma, stops bleeding, urinary and vaginal discharge.



Aegle marmelos Correa

Family : Rutaceae

Vernacular :Bill

Characters :

Glabrous tree, 5-6 m tall, bark grey; thorns axillary, 2-3 cm long. Leaves aromatic; leaflets ovate or elliptic, lanceolate or acuminate, 5-12 x 2-6 cm crenate. Flowers scented, greenish-white, about 2.6 cm diameter in axillary panicles appearing with new leaves. Berry globose, woody, grey or yellow, 5-10 cm diameter, much larger under cultivation.

Flowering : June-July

Fruiting : November-March

Uses :

Adored by Hindu community, Fruits and leaves dedicated to lord Shiva.Fruit juice useful in chronic dysentery  and diarrhea



Albizia lebbeck Benth

Family : Mimosaceae

Vernacular : Sareen

Characters :

Tall deciduous tree up to 15-16 m ,bark rough, stem dark-grey; young shoots and inflorescence greyish-tomentose. Leaves 2-pinnate; rachis 5-25 cm long, downy. Pinnae 2-7 pairs; leaflets 4-12 pairs, linear-oblong, generally 1.8-5 x 0.7.2 cm, blunt glabrous above, thin pubescent beneath.Flowers fragrant, greenish white, in globose heads 4-6.5 cm diameter.Pods flexible. 10-30 x 2-2.5 cm.

Flowering : April-August

Fruiting : August-October

Uses :

Considered as alternative , aphrodisiac, astringent, expectronent and tonic. Used for pyrolysis, timber and construction purposes



Bauhinia variegata L.

Family : Caesalpiniaceae

Vernacular : Katrer

Characters :

rather tall tree; bark dark coloured. Leaves sub-orbicular, cordate, 6-13.5 x 7-14 cm, sub-coriaceous, cleft to ¼ their length downward, greyish-glaucous beneath. Flowers preceding the new leaves, white with upper petal purplish, 5-7 cm diameter in axillary and terminal, few flowered corymbose racemes. Pod flat, 10-25 x 1.5-2.5 cm, glabrous.

Flowering : February-April

Fruiting : July-September



Bombax ceiba

Family : Bombacaceae

Vernacular : Simbal

Characters :

Ttree attaining the height of 12-15 m; trunk grey, initially prickly, branches high up. Leaves digitately 5-9 foliate; leaflets lanceolate or elliptic, 16-22 x 6-7.5 cm, tapering at the ends. Flowers red, yellow or intermediate, 10-14 cm diameter, fleshy, proceeding the foliage; filaments of innermost series forked at top. Capsule large, woody, oblong-ovoid, white-wooly within.

Flowering : December-March

Fruiting : April-May



Butea monosperma Lamk.

Family : Fabaceae

Vernacular : Pallah, Tatooah

Characters :

Deciduous tree, hardly attaining 5-6 m height; trunk short, irregular, black often crooked. Leaves shining when young; leaflets 3, coriaceous, silky beneath, 10-20 cm both ways, terminal largest, broadly obovate, cuneate, laterals in equilateral. Flowers leaf-proceeding, bright orange red, 3.5-5 cm including stalk, silky-tomentose, 1 seeded.

Flowering : March-May

Fruiting : April-June


Cassia fistula L.

Family : Caesalpiniaceae

Vernacular : Karangal

Characters :

Tree, attaining 6-8 m height; bark greyish, smooth. Leaf-rachis 15-30 cm or more long; leaflets sub-coriaceous, in 4-8 pairs, ovate to ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oblong, 6-22 x 3.5-12 cm, at maturity nearly glabrous and glossy above. Flowers yellow, about 3.5-6 cm diameter, in lax, 30-60 cm or more long, pendulous racemes. Pod cylindrical, 30-60 x 2-2.5 cm, pendulous, black or brown.

Flowering : April-July

Fruiting : October-January

Uses :

Dried fruits, root bark and leaves used as emetic, febrifuge, laxative, reliever of thoracic obstructions and purgative. Also useful in boils, leprosy, ring worm, colic, flatulence, dyspepsia, constipation, indigestion, fever and heart diseases.



Cordia dichotoma Forst.f.

Family : Ehretiaceae

Vernacular : Lasoori

Characters :

Small tree with slender, sometimes crooked, brownish or grey trunk and glabrous branchlets; branches spreading and drooping. Leaves stiffy coriaceous, broad-ovate or elliptic-ovate to orbicular 8-10 x 7-9 cm from cuneate base, distantly repand-toothed upwards. Drupe ovoid, pinkish cream, about 1.6-2 x 1.5 cm, apiculate.

Flowering : March-April

Fruiting : May-July



Crataeva adansonii DC.

Family : Cappardiaceae

Vernacular : Barna

Characters :

Small tree; shoots white lenticellate. Leaves 3 foliate; 6-12 cm long. Leaflets ovate, lateral oblique, 7-9 x 3.5-9 cm. Flowers white or cream, before or with the leaves, 3-8 cm across, solitary axillary or in terminal corymbose racemes; pedicles3-9 cm long, thickened in fruit. Berry globose, 2-3.5 cm in diameter, orange red.

Flowering : April-May

Fruiting : July-August



Diospyros cordifolia Roxb.

Family : Ebenaceae

Vernacular : Ranjan

Characters :

Small, deciduous tree; trunk short, rough, dark grey to almost black; crown usually compact. Leaves oblong to ovate, 3-11.5 x 2-3.5 cm, distinctly acuminate at least on the upper parts of the twigs. Flowers white, males smaller, in threes on solitary, 1-1.5 cm diameter, with ovate-lanceolate to broadly acuminate calyx-lobes. Fruit 2-4 cm in diameter.

Flowering : March-May

Fruiting : April-June



Ehretia laevis Roxb.

Family : Ehretiaceae

Vernacular : Chamror

Characters :

Deciduous, arborescent, small irregular tree with spreading branches, glabrous but for tufted angles of inflorescence; bark smooth, whitish. Leaves glossy, variable, mostly broadly elliptic or obovate, 7-23 x 4-16 cm hard and leathery at maturity. Flowers white, 7-8 mm diameter in corymbose cymes of one sided spikes of racemes. Drupe red, ultimately black and wrinkled, 3-4 lobed and 5 mm when dry.

Flowering : March-April

Fruiting : April-July



Euphorbia royleana Boiss.

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Vernacular : DandaThor, Sulian

Characters :

Copiously milky, attaining 4-5 m in height, leafless except during rainy season. Distinct by its erect, very thick, fleshy branches with the 5-7 ridges alternating with flat or somewhat excavated faces. Involucres greenish yellow, 0.5 to about 1 cm across. Capsules 3-4 or occasionally 5-ganous.

Flowering : March-May

Fruiting : March-June

Uses :

Latex filled in the hollow cavities of decayed teeth. The latex is cathartic and anthelmintic.



Ficus auriculata Lour.

Family : Moraceae                                         

Vernacular : Trimbal

Characters :

Evergreen tree, up to about 10 m height with spreading graceful crown and grey bark. Leaves stiff-coriaceous, dark-green above, broad ovate to nearly orbicular, 10-18 x 8-14 cm and even reaching about twice as big, often repand-toothed. Receptacles ribbed, turbinate, 2.5-6 cm diameter, fascicled on condensed shoots, red or orange-purplish when ripe.

Receptacles : April-June



Ficus benghalensis L.

Family : Moraceae

Vernacular : Borh, Borhi

Characters :

Evergreen large tree with grey bark and pubescent young parts; branches horizontally spreading and sending down numerous aerial roots which become trunk like supports provided they enter the ground. Leaves coriaceous, ovate or elliptic, 10-20 x 6-13 cm and larger even. Receptacles pubescent, 1-2, paired.

Receptacles : February-July

Uses :

Sacred tree of the region. Seeds coolant and tonic.



Ficus racemosa L.

Family : Moraceae

Vernacular : Rumbal

Characters :

Tall or medium tree with grey to greenish grey, sometimes buttressed trunk; twigs and often the petioles rusty brown. Leaves ovate to ovate-oblong or elliptic, 8-17 x 4-9.5 cm, with tapering blunt apex. Receptacles sub-globose, pyriform or top like, 2.5-4 cm diameter, clustered on warted shoots, reddish, orange or purplish when ripe.

Receptacles : May-August

Uses :

Decoction of root and bark astringent. Infusion of bark given in diabetes.



Gmelina arborea Roxb.

Family : Verbenaceae

Vernacular : Gumar, Kanseer

Characters :

Small or medium tree with greyish, smooth bark, white-lenticellate twigs and yellowish-tomentose extremities. Leaves sub-coriaceous, glaucous beneath, broad ovate acuminate, 2 glandular at the cuneate base. Flowers in terminal, paniculate cymes, appearing with or even before the new leaves. Drupes obovoid, 1.8-2.5 cm long, yellow and succulent when ripe.

Flowering : March-May

Fruiting : May-June



Grewia optiva J.R.Drum

Family : Tiliaceae

Vernacular : Dhaman

Characters : 

Attains 5-6 m, bark greyish white; young parts and inflorescence stellately hairy. Leaves scabrous, ovate, 5-16 x 3-8 cm ; base often oblique. Flowers 2.5-3.5 cm diameter. 3-13 together, mostly on extra-axillary peduncles; petals white, entire. Drupe 2-4 lobed.

Flowering : April-July

Fruiting : November-December



Grewia tenax Fiori

Family : Tiliaceae

Vernacular : Dhamani

Characters :

 Much branched, 1-3 m tall; young parts and petioles stellately hairy. Leaves very variable in shape, up to 5.5 x 4 cm. Flowers white, 2.5 cm diameter, 1-3 together. Drupe 2-4 lobed.

Flowering : April-August

Fruiting : July-August



Lannea coromandelica Merr.

Family : Anacardiaceae

Vernacular : Kambel

Characters :

Tree, medium or attaining 15-16 m; bark light or dark grey; shoots soft, thick. Leaves yellow before falling, pinnately 5-9 foliate, 30-45 cm long, disposed at shoot ends. Leaflets shining, ovate or ovate oblong, 6.5-18 x 3.5-8 cm, acuminate, laterals sessile. Flowers proceeding the foliage, 4 merous, pale-yellow, 5-7 mm diameter, fascicled on simple ( female) and branched (male) racemes crowded at extremities, the males and females on different branches or trees. Drupe oblong, about 1 cm long reddish when ripe.

Flowering : February-April

Fruiting : May-July

Uses :

Bark acrid and astringent, used as bruises, sores, ulcers and sore eyes. Also used for wood pyrolysis and fuel wood.



Mallotus philippinensis Muell-Arg.

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Vernacular : Kamila, Kamla

Characters :

Small tree; branchlets inflorescence and petioles rusty pubescent; bark greyish. Leaves greyish, ovate or ovate-oblong to lanceolate, 5-21 x 3-14 cm, prominently reticulated beneath. Flowers yellowish. Male trees with flowers clustered on erect, fascicled, terminal racemes, females with racemes of solitary, sessile flowers. Capsule 0.8-1.2 cm in diameter.

Flowering : August-November

Fruiting : March-April

Uses :

Fruits used as a temporary dye. Used in external application in scabies, ring worm and herpes.



Melia azedarach L.

Family : Meliaceae

Vernacular : Daraink

Characters :

Moderate-sized tree, 3-4 m high. Leaves bipinnate, sometimes 3 pinnate, 20-45 cm long; leaflets 3-11, ovate or ovate lanceolate, serrate, acuminate, pinnae 3-4 pairs, nearly opposite, 2-5 cm long. Flowers in long peduncled panicles. Calyx segments 5-6. Corolla lilac-blue, up to 1 cm long. Stamens 10-12,drupes yellow, ellipsoid, 1.2-1.5 cm long.

Flowering : February-April

Fruiting : March-June

Uses :

Leaf juice considered anthelmintic, antilithic, diuretic and emmenagogue; decoction regarded as astringent and stomachic. Poultice of flowers applied to eruptive skin diseases and foe killing lice. Seeds prescribed in rheumatism.



Mitragyna parviflora Roxb.

Family : Rubiaceae

Vernacular : Kam

Characters :

Tall or medium, deciduous tree; bark grey white. Leaves coriaceous, varying between near orbicular to elliptic and oblong, generally 12 x 10 cm. Flowers white or light yellow, about 6 mm  diameter, in 2-2.5 cm wide heads; stigma mitriform, white. Capsule small, of 2 dehiscent cocci; seeds minute, winged.

Flowering : June-August

Fruiting : October-November



Moringa oleifera Lamk.

Family : Moringaceae

Vernacular : Sohanjna

Characters :

Deciduous tree, small or attaining the height of 15-16 m; bark greyish-white; panicles and young parts tomentose. Leaves usually 3 pinnate, about 30-60 cm long. Leaflets elliptic or obovate, 1-3 x 0.6-2 cm, pale beneath. Flowers scented, about 2.5 cm across; calyx-lobes reflexed, white, tinged with reddish without; petals white, yellow toward base. Capsules pendulous, 25-50 x 1.3-1.8 cm.

Flowering : February-March

Fruiting : April-January

Uses :

All parts of tree medicinal, used mainly in ascites, rheumatism, venomous bites and as cardiac and circulatory stimulants. Leaves rich in vitamins A and C and are considered useful in scurvy and catarrhal infections. Flowers used as tonic, diuretic and cholagogue. Seeds antipyretic, acrid and bitter and applied in rheumatism and gout.



Phoenix sylvestris Roxb.

Family : Arecaceae

Vernacular : Jungli Khajoor

Characters :

Tall or stunted palm with thick, large crown, 2-6 m high. Trunk rough from persistent bases of the petioles. Leaves very long, greyish green; petiole spiny at the base; leaflets fascicled, rigid, ensiform, spinous pointed, 18-25 cm long. Fruits oblong-ellipsoid, orange yellow to reddish brown.

Flowering : July-September

Fruiting : September-January

Uses :

Plant sap is good source of vitamin ‘B’ and ‘C’. Seeds made in to paste applied on toothache.



Phyllanthus emblica Gaertn.

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Vernacular : Amla, Amli

Character :

Usually small sized tree with reddish or grey,sometimes crooked trunk rough with exfoliating flakes of bark. Leaves 0.8-1.5 cm long, paler beneath, closely distichous on deciduous branchlets. Flowers small, yellow, densely fascicled, the males and females on same branchlets but former very numerous and pedicellate. Drupe globose, fleshy, 1.8-2.5 cm in diameter.

Flowering : April-May

Fruiting : July-November

Uses :

Fresh fruit (edible) rich source of vitamin-C. it is diuretic, laxative, cardiac, astringent and liver tonic. Useful in anemia, diarrhoea and dysentery, dyspepsia, hemorrhage, inflammation of eyes, instability of bladder, jaundice and leucorrhoea. Chief ingredient of ‘Trifala’ along with Terminalia chebula and T. ballerica.



Pinus roxburghii Sargent

Family : Pinaceae

Vernacular : Chir

Characters :

Large evergreen tree, about 15-25 m high, trunk deeply furrowed. Needles 3, 22-30 cm long. Cones solitary or 2-5 together; scales woody with pointed or recurved tips.

Flowering : January-June

Fruiting : January-June



Pyrus pyshia Buch.-Ham.

Family : Rosaceae

Vernacular : Kaenth

Characters :

Tree, about 5 m tall; bark black; younger parts wooly; branchlets white-lenticellate, the barren ones armed. Leaves black on drying, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, 4-10 x 2-5 cm, crenate. Flowers white, 2-2.5 cm diameter, corymbose. Fruit globose, dark brown, 1.2-1.5 cm diameter, rough with white dots.

Flowering : March-April

Fruiting : May-October



Sapium sebiferum Roxb.

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Vernacular : Charbi

Characters :

Small or moderate sized tree with foliage more or less closely resembling the leaflets of Dalbergia sissoo. Flowers yellowish, monoecious, in drooping, androgynous, spicate racemes.

Flowering : April-June

Fruiting : June-August



Syzygium cumini Skeels

Family : Myrtaceae

Vernacular : Jamoon, Dallan

Characters :

Evergreen, small to medium tree; bark light grey. Leaves thick, glossy, elliptic-lanceolate to oblong or broadly ovate, usually 6-12.5 x 3-6 cm, acuminate; nerves fine, numerous. Flowers white, 4 merous, fragrant, 6-8 mm long. Cymes panicled, axillary, terminal or from old leaf scars. Berry succulent, ovoid or oblong, often curved, about 1 cm long, purplish black.

Flowering : May-June

Fruiting : June-July



Terminalia bellirica Roxb.

Family : Combretaceae

Vernacular : Baera

Characters :

Deciduous tree, about 12-13 m high; trunk straight, dark grey. Leaves obovate or broadly elliptic, 9-33 x 6-20.5 cm, cuneate, pale beneath, rounded, obtuse or sub acute, copper-red when young. Flowers appearing after new leaves, greenish yellow, apetalous, 5mm diameter male in the upper and bisexual in the lower part of the spikes; calyx-tube 2 mm long, constricted above the ovary. Drupe sub globose, 2-2.5 cm diameter.

Flowering : April-June

Fruiting : December-February



Terminalia chebula Retz.

Family : Combretaceae

Vernacular : Harar, Hareer

Characters :

Deciduous medium or tall tree, with greyish to dark brown bark and shining, rusty-silky leaf-buds. Leaves elliptic or ovate, 8-16 x 4-8cm, silky and shining almost glabrous at full maturity. Flowers bisexual, obnoxious smelling, yellowish-white, mostly in terminal, panicled spikes. Drupe ovoid from narrow base, 2.5-3.5 cm long, more or less 5 ribbed on drying.

Flowering : May-July

Fruiting : August-September



Toona ciliata Roem.

Family : Meliaceae

Vernacular : Tun, Tunu

Characters :

  Tree attaining  8-9 m height. Leaves paripinnate, 15-45 cm long; leaflets 4-10 pairs, alternate or opposite, 5-13 x 2-4.5 cm, ovate-lanceolate or elliptic, acuminate, pale beneath. Flowers pentamerous, white, honey scented, 5 mm long, in pubescent panicles; calyx lobes small, semi-orbicular, ciliate; petals much larger; disk orange coloured. Capsule 5 celled, 2 cm long, septifragal; seeds winged at both ends.

Flowering : March-May

Fruiting : May-June

Uses :

Excellent furniture wood. Bark astringent, acts as a remedy for intermittent fever, diarrhoea and dysentery.



Vitex negundo L.

Family : Verbenaceae

Vernacular : Bana

Characters :

Strongly scented shrub or treelet, up to 4 m high; young shoots, inflorescence and leaves beneath covered with fine, ashy-white tomentum. Leaves 3-5 foliate; leaflets lanceolate, unequal, 2.5-12 x 0.8-3.2 cm long, in loose cymes on terminal, 5-24 cm long, elongate inflorescence. Drupe black.

Flowering : April-November

Fruiting : November-January



Wendlandia heynei Santapau

Family : Rubiaceae

Vernacular : Pansar, Makkar-kukri

Characters :

Deciduous tree, attaining 4-5 m; branches, panicles and leaves beneath grey-tomentose. Leaves coriaceous, lanceolate, 8-18 x 2.5-7.5 cm; stipules recurved. Flowers white, fragrant, about 4 mm diameter in dense panicles. Seeds minute, black.

Flowering : March-May

Fruiting : July-August



Zizyphus mauritanaLamk.

Family : Rhanaceae

Vernacular : Ber

Characters :

Tree attaining 7-8 m height; bark rough dark grey to black, branches drooping at extremities,; shorter of the stipuler thorns recurved. Inflorescence, young shoots and petioles brownish-tomentose. Leaves sub-coriaceous, 3-7 x 2-5.5 cm serrulate, dark green and shining above, whitish beneath; apex rounded, acute or coarsely 3-toothed. Flowers yellowish green, 5mm in diameter in axillary clusters. Drupe globose or ovoid, 1.2 –1.5 cm across, red or yellow.

Flowering : July-September

Fruiting : November-December